Stranded? Here What To Do.

So let us just say that you are driving somewhere when suddenly your vehicle acts up. Now, all you think of doing is just parking on the side of road so as not to obstruct traffic and at the same time try to find out what might have gone with your beloved machine. And that is when you get stranded. 

Remember that getting stranded could happen to anyone. Even if you do have the best kind of car around, there are still chances that your vehicle might break down or act up. You see, mechanical trouble and problems could arise any time even to the best maintained vehicle. That is why it is very necessary and very important for drivers and motorists to know how to prepare for any possible breakdowns. 

When you do get stranded, what you do is to always keep your calm. Getting anxious or panic-stricken would only prove to be dangerous not only to yourself but to other people as well. Other people could be other motorists on the road or pedestrians nearby. Try to avoid any kind of sudden maneuvers. Think clearly and think of things that you should do. Always remember to signal to inform other motorists of your plans. Then, pull off complete off the road into the shoulder. 

Once you are safely parked on the side of the road, it is now time to turn on your car’s emergency flashers. Of course, since you are simply on the side of the road, you should take extreme care when you get out of your vehicle. Do not try to attempt to get out on your side. Try taking the safer way out which would be the passenger side of your car. This lessens your risks of getting struck by oncoming or passing traffic. 

Call for help. If you have a cellular phone or other means of communicating with other people, use them. Make sure that you provide them your exact location. Try giving the highway or the mile marker or even a landmark. 

While waiting for help, the best place to stay in would be inside your car. Stay inside. Lock all doors. Roll up your windows. At least, inside would be


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